
Ubicomp2006 OpenSession: Introduction




Ubicomp+Web2.0 Economics

Author Takashi Matsumoto

Additional authors Sho Hashimoto, Hirotaka Hatayama, Naohito Okude

Type Note

Keywords HII, HCI, Ubicomp, Design, Web2.0, Phenomenology

Submitted 2006-06-17 11:12


This paper invites an attention of Ubiquitous Computing community to integrate the Ubicomp system with so-called “Web2.0” Services. We would like to argue a foundational concept of a design approach to integrate Ubicomp and Web2.0. This approach will bring a socioeconomic solution on sustainable operation of Ubicomp, and have the economic effect of expanding markets for Web2.0 also.

Now a design of Ubicomp is facing a problem to operate many types of Ubicomp nodes; those are widely distributed, situated, and embedded not on a common framework. To design the network service behind Ubicomp, we would like to suggest incorporating an idea of Web2.0 services and business in it. HCI designers of Ubicomp have been invent many types of Embodied Interfaces (e.g. Tangible Bits works) and Interaction techniques to realize the original notion of Ubicomp that computers “vanish into the background”. However designer’s trials to find out an interaction design from a specific situation have created varieties of background systems of Ubicomp as a result of observations to a diversity of our everyday contexts. Now to add a real background service into the situation of Ubicomp, a decentralized, loosely-coupled and extensible framework should be adopted. Then we found a design pattern and economic model of Web2.0 is a good match to Ubicomp system.

Web2.0 brought new types of social services having a high-extensible design pattern by user participations with technological developments of networks. Besides that, Web2.0 business, that have full command of e-payment systems based on hyper-link and the web tracking, show a growing trend.

This trend is a democratization of computing emphasizing “goods” (value, worth). Web2.0 creates a social impact for users that not only they can freely access information, but also freely distribute information and drawing in incentives for those activities. The most revolutional phenomenon is that a notion centralized “Money” is going to be busted up and moving to essential exchange of “goods\\\” with a rise of web-based payment technologies. To mash-up [26] Ubicomp with Web2.0 means the most valuable things in the world such as user profiles and tangible things are taken onto this social computing service structure.

This paper, first, would like to promote understanding toward social aspects and the Money crisis of Web2.0 to show an importance to accept this for Ubicomp design. We also would like to direct a design approach for this complex system of Ubicomp+Web2.0 with our ongoing trials of Phenomenological Integration. This is one understanding of an emerging field: HII (Human-Information Interaction) for Ubicomp.